Friday 25 January 2013

Introduction: craft and i

I was more a sport girl before I graduated from Mingdou Junior High School. However, I spent the last two months of grade 9 in crochet club; and after then, craft became the center of my interest.

My first crochet flowers:

In grade 11 and 12, I learned woodwork and metal work from school.

My first wooden stool and wire jewelry:

The summer of first year in Emily Carr University, I suddenly full in love with felt desserts. I bought a craft package, and taught it myself by reading the instruction on the package.

My first felt dessert:

The next summer I discovered something a little bit different but similar to felt desserts: needle felt.

My first needle felt keychain:

Last fall, I asked my friend Athena to teach me sewing, which I longed for learning ever since grade 11 but never got a chance.

My first sewing pouch and coaster:

A month ago, I was given the opportunity of learning how to knit because I wanted to donate homemade hats and cookies to Lighthouse Harbour Ministries. All the donation will be given freely to the seamen, and crochet hats will be not as warm as knitted ones.

My first knitted toque:

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